
Use Google Trends Like a Pro!

google trends and its benefits

Google Trends is a remarkable free SEO tool that provides information on the most searched topics, phrases and keywords on Google and Youtube. If you want to know the latest trends or seasonal trends of certain products or if you want to find your niche, Google Trends is the best tool as it provides geographically researched insights with graphs.

Why use Google Trends? – 5 Important Features

To Find the keywords

Google Trends is the best tool for keywords. It gives you detailed data about a particular keyword you want to add to your content or want to use in your niche. Here is an example of keyword research.

influencer marketing-google trend

Above data represent the data for keyword influencer marketing. Over the past 5 years, influencer marketing has peaked in 2020. According to the Ferreira Nicole selecting a time range allows you to understand whether search volume is increasing or decreasing, This is the worldwide data, so it shows the entire trend of influencer marketing. You can always change the region and time range according to your need.

To Find your Niche

If you are someone who wants to start a new business or invest in one, using Google Trends will help you to get a detailed statistical analysis of the topic. If you want to start a clothing business, you must decide on your niche as the clothing industry is a vast textile industry. You have to choose whether you want to focus more on women’s clothing, men’s clothing, or children’s clothing. And before choosing, you must have detailed information about the trends in the clothing industry.
Here is a simple example,

find the niche on google trend

I compared the three clothing businesses and got a graph. You can see the men’s clothing industry is on the rise and has more searches than both women’s and children’s clothing. But it’s important that you choose the right region, as results can vary across regions or sub-regions.
You should regularly monitor these statistics. It’s like a share market!

To Compare Keywords and Topics

Google Trends has a great feature called Compare. While writing on certain topics or choosing keywords, sometimes it gets quite difficult. But this feature allows comparing two terms or topics.

Let’s check this example; the topic to write about is Why Influencer Marketing for Startups?

compare keywords on google trends

So before I start writing, I have to stick to specific keywords. This will help my upcoming blog on  Search Engine Optimization (SEO) In the above image, you can see that I have compared two keywords. One is influencer marketing and the other is startups. The graph shows that the word startup has more searches than the word influencer marketing. But as I want to explain what influencer marketing is, I need to choose influencer marketing as the keyword, but according to the chart details, I will also choose startup as the keyword because it has more search volume. So the keywords could be; influencer marketing startups.

To Discover the most Important and Incremental Topics and Queries

Google Trends allows you to set the region according to your convenience. After entering a topic or term, statistical analysis shows you related queries people might have about your topic.

Let’s take a look at the topic, Search Engine Optimization.

discover latest topics on google trends

In the Related topics section, if you select the Rising option, it will help you understand the related topics with the highest increase in search frequency since the previous period and if you select the Top option, it will show you the most popular topics.

In the Related queries section in a Rising option, you can find the queries with the highest increase in search frequency since the previous period. And in the top option, you will find the most popular search queries. In this case, it is related to the topic of Search Engine Optimization.

To Write about Current Trends

You will find the Trending Searches option on the Google Trends homepage.

know current trends on google trends

This feature provides information on Daily search trends as well as Realtime search trends. Once you’ve figured out which topic is more important, you can choose that topic to write a new blog post on. Most of the time, you will find trending news related to entertainment and politics in both trending searches, so you need an x-ray eye to be able to find the right topic to write about.

In Conclusion

Google Trends will make you savvy through its statistical analysis which has made research work easier for a content writers and digital marketers to find current as well as seasonal trends. Knowing these five basic features will help you find your niche and can create SEO-based articles and blogs in time.

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